Address: University of Thessaly, Department of Primary Education, Secretariat of MSc “Εducational Αdministration and Μanagement”, Argonafton & Philellinon T.K. 38221, Volos (Rosa Imbrioti Building, 1st floor, Office 8)

Email:    tel.: +302421074881  fax: +302421074809

MSc in EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT is committed to the implementation of a quality policy, harmonized with the quality policy of the University of Thessaly and the Department of Prime Education, which supports its academic character and orientation curriculum, promotes its purpose and object, implements its strategic objectives, determines the means and ways of achieving them and aims at its continuous improvement.


Address: University of Thessaly, Department of Primary Education, 

Secretariat of MSc “Εducational Αdministration and Μanagement”, Argonafton & Philellinon T.K. 38221, Volos (Rosa Imbrioti Building, 1st floor, Office 8)

Email: tel.: +302421074881 fax: +302421074809