Classroom for School Practice – KEDYKET
To organize and prepare students for their Practicum, a school practice room operates in the Department’s facilities in the building on Koundourou Street. The room houses the offices of the seconded educators responsible for supporting the practical training, four computer workstations, photocopying machines, and the Center for Teaching Support and Scientific Documentation (KEDYKET).
KEDYKET functions as a lending center for educational materials and technical equipment, such as laptops and projectors, within the framework of implementing Practical Training.
Computer Lab
The Department has a Computer Room equipped with fifteen (15) workstations for desktop computers and a central control and projection system for the instructors. It supports the Department’s courses that include a laboratory component utilizing ICT. The room is located on the 1st floor of the Delmouzos Building, designated as Z.
The educational and research needs of the students are covered by the Central Library.
The collection of the central library consists of more than 90,000 volumes in Greek, English and other languages, as well as audio-visual material (slides, videotapes, cassettes, etc.), online databases, e-books, and other electronic material (CD- ROMs, DVDs, etc.).
The Library of the University of Thessaly operates as a lending institution, providing the right of borrowing to all its members.
It also has 450 printed subscriptions to scientific journals, while it provides its users with online access to another 27,000 electronic journals.
Detailed information about the operation and all the services offered can be found on the website: