The Department of Primary Education at the University of Thessaly is committed to implementing a quality policy that supports the academic identity and orientation of the curriculum, promotes its purpose and objectives, implements its strategic goals, defines the means and methods for achieving them, and aims for continuous improvement.

Specifically, the Department:

  • Designs, modifies, and improves the undergraduate curriculum (UGC) with transparency and the participation of all stakeholders
  • Promotes the quality and effectiveness of teaching work
  • Ensures the quality (and quantity) of the research work of its academic members
  • Ensures the connection between teaching and research (specifically educational research) by promoting actions to disseminate research findings at all levels of formal education and various forms of informal education, particularly through specific actions and educational interventions in schools in the broader area.
  • Keeps informed about the employment rate of its graduates and shares information about job placement opportunities with students beyond formal positions in Primary Education.
  • Based on its available resources (teaching staff and technical infrastructure), proposes an appropriate annual number of admissions to provide high-quality education to its students.
  • Ensures the quality of administrative and other forms of support for the department, informs the administration about deficiencies in its technical infrastructure and the functioning of supporting services at UTh, and simultaneously submits proposals for their improvement.
  • Conducts reviews and internal audits of the quality assurance system of the UGC and ensures good cooperation between the Quality Assurance Team (OMEA) and MODIP of the Institution.
  • Publishes the most current Quality Assurance Policy for the UGC on its website and communicates it in various ways to all stakeholders involved in implementing its Quality Policy.
  • Ensures the updating and quality of the department’s website so that it remains a valid source of information about what is happening in the department.