Every student completes her or his thesis in the third semester, which must have a clearly defined research-based orientation, on a topic related to one of the courses of the program. The thesis is publicly defended before a three-member examination committee (2 supervisors and 1 faculty member) appointed by the Assembly of the Department of Primary Education, following a recommendation from the Director of the Master’s Program.

Supervising professors, in accordance with existing legislation, inform the Secretariat in writing about the titles of the theses they propose to support. The defense of the Master’s Thesis takes place publicly, in front of the Examination Committee, on a date and at a location determined by the Department’s Assembly, following a recommendation from the Program Director. The defense can be attended by professors, students of the Master’s and undergraduate programs, as well as external participants.

Upon approval by the Committee, the thesis is mandatory to be posted on the institutional repository of the University of Thessaly (http://ir.lib.uth.gr) and the Master’s Program repository. In exceptional cases, if there is an objective inability or a significant reason (illness, absence abroad, etc.), the supervisor or a member of the Examination Committee may be replaced, following a decision by the Program Director and the concurring opinion of the Coordination Committee, with relevant notification to the Department’s Assembly.