The Department of Primary Education of the University of Thessaly was founded in 1985 (Government Gazette 113/31-5-1985) and its first academic year was 1988-89 (Government Gazette 40/1-2-1988).

According to the current legislation, the DPE aims at:

  • cultivating and promoting education through academic and applied teaching and research.
  • providing its graduates with the necessary knowledge that will ensure their proper training for their scientific and professional careers.
  •  contributing to raising the level and meeting the growing needs of education
  •  contributing to addressing and solving educational problems in general.Graduates’ career prospects


Graduates’ career prospects

In addition to the traditional career pathway in public or private Primary schools, graduates of the Department of Primary Education can also work in children’s centers, youth centers, daycare centers children, cultural organizations, children’s camps, children’s libraries, museums, mass media and educational material producers.